CSOA’s Social Distancing Recommendations

Need some inspiration on what to do during this period of social distancing? Our team shares what they’ve been up to during this strange time.


Now is the perfect time to be cooking up a storm in the kitchen! We’ve been cooking up our favorite recipes and enjoying meals with our family. Not to mention, we’ve been baking all of the sweet treats!

Taking daily walks

Enjoy some time outside with a walk or jog around the neighborhood or even around the block (practicing social distancing of course!) – trust us, the fresh air will put you in a better headspace and keep you healthy.

Watching movies + TV shows 

We’re catching up on all the movies and tv shows  – this includes movies on HBO, Netflix, Hulu and the list goes on! Now really is the time to stay in your pajamas and binge watch.

Connecting with friends + family

Host a virtual party or happy hour with friends or family using Google Hangouts, Zoom or Facetime! This is great time to catch up with friends and family while we are all staying safe in our homes.

Learning something new

This is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby – whether it be learning how to knit, learning a new language or even learning how to draw – there is something everyone wishes they could learn. What better time than now to get started?

Reading a book

Psychology Today suggests reading five books you have always wanted to read but never had the time.

Mediating or doing yoga 

Mentally, now is a difficult time for many. We recommend taking some time each day to find your center. Sign up for a mediation class or do a short yoga video from home – it will make you feel better and more relaxed!

Supporting local restaurant community

Many of your favorite restaurants are needing our support during this tough time. Consider ordering for takeout or delivery a few times a week, as well as purchasing a few gift cards- this gives restaurants something to look forward to and will pay a crucial role in them a chance to survive. We also suggest tipping well and placing orders during off peak times.



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